True Quit: Eliminate Cravings to Stop Smoking

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Laser Medicine is associated with the True Quit Eliminate Cravings to Stop Smoking programme, which offers cigarette smokers a clear and easy way to retrain their brains and make stopping smoking easy and long-lasting. Already successful in Australia, Michael Gregory who devised the True Quit brain retraining programme, has now launched the True Quit Stop Smoking programme in the UK.

Once a participant is ready to stop smoking, they book a Therapeutic Laser treatment at Laser Medicine in London, to reduce cravings during the first few days of nicotine withdrawal. Low Level Laser Therapy is widely used for the treatment of addiction, and has been clinical proven to help reduce and eliminate the side effects of withdrawal from addictive substances. For more information on Low Level Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation.

Laser Medicine has two different True Quit Stop Smoking authorised clinics, where participants in the programme can receive their Therapeutic Laser treatment:

Central London True Quit Clinic:
10 Harley Street, London, W1. (Oxford Circus / Bond Street Underground).

The fee is £240 for a 1 hour Therapeutic Laser treatment.

West London True Quit Clinic:
62 Mill Hill Road, London, W3. (Acton Town Underground).

The fee is £150 for a 1 hour Therapeutic Laser treatment.

You can book your True Quit Stop Smoking cold laser session by completing the Booking Form below. We shall then contact you at the earliest opportunity to arrange your appointment.

You can also call our dedicated True Quit telephone number at 020 3110 0171.



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