NICE approves low level laser for side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy

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Clinical trials in the UK to prove the effectiveness of PBM (photobiomodulation therapy) – otherwise known as low-level laser therapy – looks set to increase. Last year NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) approved low-level laser for oral mucositis (OM) – one of the common side effects caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer patients. Clinicians at Southampton University Hospital carried out clinical trials to show the effectiveness of using low level laser for side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy to prevent OM, and / or to treat its symptoms which include inflammation and pain. NICE has subsequently approved low-level laser as a safe and effective treatment.

Low-level laser is used to treat many inflammatory conditions and is effective in management of acute and chronic pain. In America the FDA has approved low-level laser for many conditions, and I hope to see NICE do the same.

Read more about the Southampton University low-level research trial here.

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