Cold Laser for the Immune System

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When it feels more important than ever to maintain an efficient and healthy immune system, we thought we would take a look at the extensive research carried out in the field of Low Level Laser Therapy / Cold Laser for the immune system.

Takushi Tadakuma [Department of Microbiology, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan] published a report in 1993, outlining the possible application of Low Level Laser Therapy for immunobiology. He summarises the immune system as the ability of T-lymphocytes to distinguish between legitimate and foreign bodies and how a break down in this system results in a disease of an autoimmune nature. Tadakuma cites how Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) acts on immune system cells in a number of ways, “activating the irradiated cells to a higher level of activity”. (Tadakuma 1993). He concludes that although more research needs to be carried out, there is already a lot of clinical data to indicate that cold laser for the immune system has an important function to “activate and boost the normal reaction of the immune system components against harmful foreign bodies”. (Tadakuma 1993).

In 2000, a further report was published on the significant differences in the proliferation of T-lymphocytes when exposed to Low Level Laser Therapy [Agailby, Ghali, Wilson, Dyson]. Results of this lab test suggested that in this case, cold laser for the immune system stimulated lymphocytes to promote tissue cell proliferation, i.e increased healing.

In our own studies we see a marked improvement in the body’s ability to resolve infection and raise general health conditions. This in the most part is due to the increased production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), energy created in the cell mitochondria, which speeds up a healing response. LLLT is also found to increase the production of collagen, also used by the body to promote healing and recovery. Recent application of Low Level Laser in post-Covid patients proved beneficial too.

Please refer to the relevant articles here.

And please feel free to Contact Us to discuss.

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